Players cannot end their turn with one of their pegs in another player's starting or destination triangle. Once a peg reaches an open space in a player's destination triangle, it cannot be moved out of that triangle for the remainder of the game, but it can be moved within the triangle.

Each player is trying to move their pegs to the triangle directly across from them on the board. Unlike traditional checkers, hopped pieces are not removed from the board in Chinese checkers. If a player does hop a piece, they may continue to hop pieces as long as there is an empty space on the other side to land on, and they may change directions while hopping if they'd like.

Players may also hop a peg and land in an open space on the opposite side, regardless of the color of the peg, as long as they’re moving their piece in a straight line. A peg may be moved to any adjacent space as long as it’s open. Each turn consists of a player moving one peg. Then, everyone flips a coin to see who goes first. To play, each player starts by choosing a colored peg and setting their pieces up in the designated triangle that matches their color. When you have finished making the moves, click the moved piece again, and the computer will start to take its turn.Chinese checkers is a fun board game played with 2, 3, 4, or 6 players where players try to move their 10 pieces, called pegs, across the board to occupy all 10 of the destination holes on the opposite side of the board. The available spots for movement are highlighted in red when a marble is selected. Note that a piece cannot end its move on the 4 topmost rows of the bases other than its own or its target base, but can jump to it and jump out of it immediately. For instance, if no empty spot is located between the moving piece and the other piece, then the moving piece can be moved to the first empty space after the other piece on the same straight line and when an empty spot is located between the moving piece and the other piece, the jumping piece can be moved to the second empty space after the other piece on the same straight line. The distance of a jump depends on the number of empty spots between the moving piece and the target piece. During your turn, you can click to move one of your pieces to an adjacent empty space, or jump over other pieces for consecutive hops. You and the computer will take turns to make the moves. The 10 blue marbles on your side are placed in the blue area, while the 10 green pieces of the computer are located in the green base. When the game starts, you will be given a checkerboard in the shape of a hexagram, and the board is divided into 6 bases of different colors.
#Online chinese checkers how to
It’s not an ancient board game like chess or backgammon, but people have known how to play Chinese checkers for over 100 years The game was invented in Germany in 1893 and spread under many names: Stern Halma, Star Halma, Hop Ching Shaiper, Tiao-chi. Challenge your mind and try various strategies as you battle with the computer in this traditional board game! Your target is to move all your marbles to the enemy base before your opponent does so. Contrary to its name, the online game Chinese checkers has nothing to do with China or Asia.