Timmy realizes who he is and what the wishes were (all his villain friends out of the comic book and Cosmo and Wanda's magic can't touch him, he can't be wished back into the book, and that Timmy can't wish his room clean, something his parents told him to do or he'd be in big trouble). Nega Chin convinces Timmy to allow Cosmo and Wanda to grant his wishes. Timmy accidentally wishes the Nega Chin (the Crimson Chin's evil counterpart) out of a comic book, but Timmy still thinks it's the Crimson Chin and hides him in his treehouse. " The Crimson Chin Meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad!" Turner wins a contest that makes her the new weatherwoman of the local news, Timmy wishes that everything she predicted would come true so that she wouldn't face the wrath of an angry mob, but when she gets fed up with her job and wants to quit by making a bogus weather prediction, the disasters she predicted would happen all come true. The citizens of Dimmsdale have a tendency to react violently when the weatherman predicts the wrong weather, in the form of driving said weathermen out of town with an angry mob with pitchforks. Timmy must find a way to balance his attendance at both sleepovers with the help of his fairies without being discovered, and find a way to reunite his friends. Timmy avoids picking a side, but a problem arises when both of his friends invite him to their respective sleepovers on the same night to watch Crash Nebula Meets the Crimson Chin.